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- #menu (0, 63, 31) Project
- This menu includes all facilities
- concerning DVI-file access and
- handling of other programs.
- #menu (0, 0, 31) about
- opens an inforation window.
- After displaying the copyright
- notice it gives access to a set
- of help pages.
- Pressing the 'OK' gadget of the
- <RETURN> key will close the window.
- shortcut character: HELP-Taste
- #menu (0, 1, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (0, 2, 31) open again
- An allready loaded DVI-file will be
- reloaded. This will normally by used
- for restauring a recompiled file.
- shortcut character: a (ARexx: loadagain)
- #menu (0, 3, 31) open new
- Opens a file requester for selecting
- a new DVI-file.
- Uses the 'req.library'.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-O (ARexx: loadnew)
- #menu (0, 4, 31) auto load again
- Toggles the "auto load again" feature.
- With "auto load again" set on, every time the
- ShowDVI window becomes active, it will test
- if the current DVI-file has been recreated.
- In that case it will be reloaded.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-A
- #menu (0, 5, 31) save as iff
- Save the current page as IFF file.
- If you use as file name "CLIP.2", the
- page will be saved into clipboard unit 2.
- #menu (0, 6, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (0, 7, 31) shell commands -->
- This submenu includes all actions concerning
- extern programs.
- #menu (0, 7, 0) new cli
- Opens a CLI window on the ShowDVI screen.
- Using OS2.0 the new shell will be started
- asynchronously. That means, that you can
- proceed using ShowDVI even when the CLI
- window is open.
- shortcut character: !
- #menu (0, 7, 1) Execute Command
- Opens a string requester for entering a
- CLI comand, that will be executed. For
- its IO a window will be opened on the
- ShowDVI-Screen, which can be closed by
- using the close-button or typing CTRL-\.
- This facility requires OS 2.0.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-E
- #menu (0, 7, 2) TeX-script
- Executes the shell script of the name defined in the file
- 'ShowDVI.config'. Setting now is '%s'.
- If the environment variable TEXFORMATS is not set, ShowDVI
- will ask for a format file. (If this function is called by pressing
- the 'R' key, the format file will be asked every time.) The
- shell script is called with three comand line options
- (.key filename/a,directory/a,screenname/k): the name of the
- currently loaded TeX file, its directory and the name of the
- public screen (%s) on which the IO window will
- be opened. This window can be closed by using the close-button
- or typing CTRL-\.
- This facility requires OS 2.0.
- shortcut character: r oder R
- #menu (0, 7, 3) ARexx TeX-Shell
- Invoces an ARexx script of the name defined in the file
- 'ShowDVI.config'. Setting now is '%s'.
- This script drives the comunication between the editor,
- TeX and ShowDVI.
- First one will be asked for the name of a public screen.
- Using the default '%s' an window on ShowDVIs screen
- will come up. Entering 'Workbench' will
- open a window on the Workbench screen. The name of the
- screen will be passed to the ARexx script as comand line
- parameter.
- This facility requires OS 2.0.
- The ARexx-Script can also be invoced in a CLI window
- on the workbench using OS 1.3.
- #menu (0, 7, 4) change ENV:TEXFORMAT
- Asks for a format-file name and assigns the
- environment variable TEXFORMATS to it.
- This variable is evaluated by the 'r'
- comand, the ARexx scripts as well
- as by 'virtex'.
- This facility requires OS 2.0.
- #menu (0, 7, 5) SpecialHost
- Starts the program 'SpecialHost', that handles
- the \special TeX directive. Depending on the
- configuration of the program it will open
- a window on the ShowDVI screen or on the
- workbench.
- This facility requires OS 2.0.
- #menu (0, 8, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (0, 9, 31) print page
- This selection prints the currently displayed
- page (of course a DVI-file must be loaded).
- It will use the printer driver selected in
- the prefences.
- An allready printed page will be interrupted
- by a second invocation of this menu item.
- The printing process will be indicated by a 'P'
- on the right handside of the titlebar. In that
- case the current page cannot be switched.
- shortcut character: p (ARexx: printpage)
- #menu (0, 10, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (0, 11, 31) WB to front
- Switches to the workbench screen.
- shortcut character: d (ARexx: wbtofront)
- #menu (0, 12, 31) Hide
- Drops back the ShowDVI screen.
- shortcut character: ESC (ARexx: toback)
- #menu (0, 13, 31) Save config
- Saves the current settings (actual resolution,
- color values etc.) in the file 'ShowDVI.config'.
- This file will usually be located in the
- directory 'TeX:config' unless the environment
- variable 'TEXCONFIG' overrides this.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-W (Arexx: saveconfig)
- #menu (0, 14, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (0, 15, 31) Quit
- Leaves the program after acknowledgement.
- To do this, all windows created by ShowDVI
- (like a CLI window) must be closed before.
- The program SpecialHost is special, in that
- it receives a message from ShowDVI to inform
- it to quit. Hence it need not be closed
- explicitely.
- CTRL-C leaves the program without
- acknowledgement.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-Q (ARexx: exit)
- #
- #menu (1, 63, 31) Outfit
- This menue deals with the
- outfit of ShowDVI.
- #menu (1, 0, 31) copy
- Copy the current page into the clipboard.
- #menu (1, 1, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (1, 2, 31) lace
- Toggles between interlace and
- non interlace mode.
- shortcut character: i (ARexx: togglelace)
- #menu (1, 3, 31) scroll bar
- Toggles the scrollbars at the
- right and lower edge of the window.
- shortcut character: o (ARexx: togglescrollbar)
- #menu (1, 4, 31) full page
- Toggles between 'full-page' and
- normal display mode.
- In 'full-page' mode the actual page is
- shrinked to fit on the ShowDVI screen.
- The character 'F' on the right of the
- titlebar indicates the 'full-page' mode.
- shortcut character: f (ARexx: fullpage)
- #menu (1, 5, 31) measure window
- Opens and closes the 'Measure Window', in
- which the page size, the mouse position
- and the scale factors are displayed.
- To get numbers corresponding to the
- lengths of the printed page, one must
- multily them with the magnification (/1000).
- Dragging the mouse with the left button pressed
- will display the distance form the current
- mouse position to the place where the
- button was pressed.
- The used unit can be set with the 'Unit'
- menu item.
- shortcut character: m
- #menu (1, 6, 31) border line
- Toggles the dispaly of the 'border-line'.
- These lines mark the margins set up
- by 'hoffset' and 'voffset' (default:
- 1 inch) and the security bounaries
- for 'overfull box'es (allways 1 inch).
- shortcut character: l
- #menu (1, 7, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (1, 8, 31) "Set margins"
- Set a margin point with the mouse
- after activating of the menu entry.
- You can set the top left point of
- your DVI-file.
- You can cancel this with acivating
- the point again.
- shortcut character: M
- #menu (1, 9, 31) 4 color screen
- Switches between a two and
- four color screen.
- #menu (1, 10, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (1, 11, 31) unit -->
- This submemu allows the user to select
- the unit in which any size will be
- displayed.
- #menu (1, 11, 0) inch
- Selects as unit 1'' (inch).
- 1 inch = 72.27 pt = 2.54 cm
- #menu (1, 11, 1) cm
- Selects as unit 1cm (centimeter).
- 1 cm = 28.54 pt
- #menu (1, 11, 2) pt
- Selects as unit 1pt (point).
- This unit is not often used in common
- life. For typsetting purposes may be
- very helpful though. In TeX the default
- fontsize is 10pt.
- 1 pt = 0.0351 cm = 65536 sp (intern TeX unit)
- #menu (1, 12, 31) color
- A color requestor will pop up.
- One can now select the colors of the
- ShowDVI screen. To save the choise
- invoce the menu item 'save-config'.
- Requires the 'req.library'.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-C
- #menu (1, 13, 31) clone wb color
- Set the colors of the ShowDVI screen
- to the colors of the workbench screen.
- #menu (1, 14, 31) Screen Prefs
- Opens a window, in which you can change
- the size of the ShowDVI screen.
- This facility requires OS 2.0 (KS 37.x).
- shortcut character: AMIGA-X
- #
- #menu (2, 63, 31) Move
- Main menu handling page switches
- of the currently loaded DVI-file.
- #menu (2, 0, 31) prev page
- Switches to previous page.
- BACKSPACE will display the same part of
- the page as of the current page, whereas
- '-' will allways go to the end of the page.
- shortcut character: BACKSPACE, - (ARexx: prev)
- #menu (2, 1, 31) next page
- Switches to next page.
- RETURN will display the same part of
- the page as of the current page, whereas
- '+' will allways go to the start of the page.
- shortcut character: RETURN, ENTER, + (ARexx: next)
- #menu (2, 2, 31) first page
- Jumps to the first page of the document.
- shortcut character: SHIFT pressed with BACKSPACE or -
- (ARexx: first)
- #menu (2, 3, 31) last page
- Jumps to the last page of the document.
- shortcut character: SHIFT pressed with RETURN, ENTER or +
- (ARexx: last)
- #menu (2, 4, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (2, 5, 31) "--page jump counter--"
- The following two menu items deal with the
- 'page-jump-counter'. This is a 4digit number
- that can be entered with the numerical keys
- 0-9 and is displayed in the right of the
- titlebar. If it is set up by entering a
- number it will be used for page switching.
- #menu (2, 6, 31) jump to PJC
- The 'page-jump-counter' is a 4digit number
- that can be entered with the numerical keys
- 0-9 and is displayed in the right of the
- titlebar. If it is set up by entering a
- number it will be used for page switching.
- For example the keystrokes '4' '+' will
- increment the pagenumber by 4.
- Using 'jump-to-PJC' will cause to jump to
- the entered mumber. Hence '4' '.' will
- display page 4.
- shortcut character: . oder g (ARexx: goto <nr>)
- #menu (2, 7, 31) clear PJC
- Clears the 'page-jump-counter' PJC.
- For information about the PJC confer
- help text for menu item 'jump-to-PJC'.
- shortcut character: c
- #menu (2, 8, 31) ""
- formatting blank line
- #menu (2, 9, 31) "--use phy numbers--"
- Usually ShowDVI uses 'logical' page numbers. These are the
- numbers that TeX printes on the pages. In some cases there
- may be textes that use the same (logical) pagenumber for
- different slices of paper. (ShowDVI will display the number
- of this logical page number after the gadget '#' that shows
- the logical number.)
- To properly handle those types of text ShowDVI can be told
- to use physical numbering. I.e. the first page in the DVI-file
- becomes page number 1 whatever pagenumber is printed on it.
- This mode will be marked by the character 'Y' on the right
- of the titelbar.
- #menu (2, 10, 31) use order of dvi-file
- This menu item toggles between the two numbering method supported
- by ShowDVI. In 'logical' numbering ShowDVI learns the pagenumbers
- that are set up in the DVI file, whereas in 'physical' numbering
- the pagenumbers are derived from the order of the pages in the
- DVI file. In 'physical' numbering it is assured that every
- pagenumber is uniq, but these numbers may differ from the numbers
- on the actual pages.
- The 'physical' numbering is indicated by the character 'Y' on the
- right of the titelbar. One may save this setting in the
- configuration file.
- For more information confer the help text about the page
- numbering menu item (not selectable).
- shortcut character: y
- #menu (2, 11, 31) prev page
- Jumps to the 'physically' previous page.
- The 'physical' numbering will be invoced
- only temporarily for this operation.
- This temporary activation can be forced
- for any page switching if the CTRL key
- is pressed at the same time.
- shortcut character: CTRL pressed with BACKSPACE or -
- #menu (2, 12, 31) next page
- Jumps to the 'physically' next page.
- The 'physical' numbering will be invoced
- only temporarily for this operation.
- This temporary activation can be forced
- for any page switching if the CTRL key
- is pressed at the same time.
- shortcut character: CTRL pressed with
- #menu (2, 13, 31) first page
- Jumps to the 'physically' first page.
- The 'physical' numbering will be invoced
- only temporarily for this operation.
- This temporary activation can be forced
- for any page switching if the CTRL key
- is pressed at the same time.
- shortcut character: CTRL und SHIFT pressed
- with BACKSPACE or -
- #menu (2, 14, 31) last page
- Jumps to the 'physically' last page.
- The 'physical' numbering will be invoced
- only temporarily for this operation.
- This temporary activation can be forced
- for any page switching if the CTRL key
- is pressed at the same time.
- shortcut character: CTRL und SHIFT pressed
- with RETURN ENTER or +
- #
- #menu (3, 63, 31) resolution
- The menu 'resolution' handles the
- switching of the resoltion for
- the displaying of the text.
- The items of this menu are defined
- in the file 'ShowDVI.config'.
- #menu (3, 0, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-1
- #menu (3, 1, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-2
- #menu (3, 2, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-3
- #menu (3, 3, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-4
- #menu (3, 4, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-5
- #menu (3, 5, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-6
- #menu (3, 6, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-7
- #menu (3, 7, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-8
- #menu (3, 8, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- shortcut character: AMIGA-9
- #menu (3, 9, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- #menu (3, 10, 31) reso menu
- Changes the resolution of
- the display to %ld DPI.
- #menu (3, 11, 31) reso menu
- the display to %ld DPI.
- zu %ld DPI.
- #
- #helpwindow 12
- #help 0, 12
- 10 5 "Welcome to the On-Line Help of ShowDVI!"
- 10 6 "_______________________________________"
- 10 20 "The goal of this page and the following ones is to give"
- 10 30 "the user a short overview to the functions of the program."
- 10 45 "Nevertheless it is recommended to read the documentation"
- 10 55 "of the program, that comes with it."
- 10 70 "The first 9 help pages can be accessed directly with the"
- 10 80 "keys 1-9."
- 10 95 "If you are using Kickstart Version 37.x, you can take"
- 10 105 "advantage of more On-Line help:"
- 10 120 "Just select one menu item and realeas the mousebutton"
- 10 130 "while pressing the HELP key."
- #help 1, 14
- 10 5 "Importand hot keys"
- 10 7 "___________________"
- 10 20 "f - displays the full page on one screen"
- 10 30 "i - toggles the interlace mode"
- 10 40 "o - toggles the scrollbars"
- 10 50 "s - toggles the mode of the richt scrollbar"
- 10 60 "c - clears the 'page jump counter' (PJC)"
- 10 70 "g/. - jumps to the page set up by the (PJC)"
- 10 80 "a - reloads the actual DVI file"
- 10 90 "p - invoces/stops the printing of the current page"
- 10 100 "[0-9] - sets the (PJC)"
- 10 110 "ENTER/RETURN - jumps (PJC) pages vorward"
- 10 120 "-/BACKSPACE - jumps (PJC) pages back"
- 10 130 "AMIGA q/^C - quits the program"
- #help 2, 12
- 10 5 "Page switching"
- 10 7 "______________"
- 10 20 "The following keys will switch to the next page:"
- 10 30 "RETURN, + and ENTER. The keys of the numeric pad will"
- 10 40 "jump to the beginning of the next page."
- 10 55 "The following keys will switch to the previous page:"
- 10 65 "BACKSPACE and -. The keys of the numeric pad will"
- 10 75 "jump now to the end of the previous page."
- 10 90 "The keys SPACE and 'b' allow you to scroll within one"
- 10 100 "page (like the utility more). Pressing those keys when"
- 10 110 "the border of a page was reached will cause ShowDVI"
- 10 120 "to switch to the next (or previous) page"
- #help 3, 13
- 10 5 "Page switching using the 'PJC'"
- 10 7 "_______________________________"
- 10 20 "The PJC (page-jump-counter) enables one to easily perform"
- 10 30 "long jumps in a DVI file."
- 10 45 "The numeric keys 0-9 are used to set up the PJC. Its"
- 10 55 "value will be displayed on the right of the titlebar."
- 10 65 "Clearing the counter is done with the 'c' key."
- 10 80 "Any page switching will take use of the PJC. Is the"
- 10 90 "PJC for example set to 15, RETURN will cause to go"
- 10 100 "15 pages further."
- 10 110 "The keys 'g' and '.' will display the page that has"
- 10 120 "been set up in the PJC. If it was for example again"
- 10 130 "15 pressing 'g' will take you to page 15."
- #help 4, 13
- 10 5 "Physical page numbering"
- 10 7 "_______________________"
- 10 20 "ShowDVI knows two types of page numbering."
- 10 30 "In the 'logical' mode (default) ShowDVI learns the numbers"
- 10 40 "of the DVI file, i.e. the \pageno on the TeX pages."
- 10 50 "In the 'physical' mode ShowDVI renumbers the pages"
- 10 60 "following their order in the DVI file."
- 10 75 "One can switch between both modes with the key 'y'."
- 10 85 "If the mode is set to 'physical' the letter 'Y' will be"
- 10 95 "displayed in the titlebar."
- 10 110 "Pressing CTRL together with any page changing key will"
- 10 120 "temporarilly switch to the 'physical' numbering for this"
- 10 130 "change of page."
- #help 5, 14
- 10 5 "Special features of the right scrollbar"
- 10 7 "_______________________________________"
- 10 20 "The right scrollbar allows to change the pagenumber in"
- 10 30 "two different ways."
- 10 43 "One way is to drag the scrollbar to the very bottom and"
- 10 53 "doubleclick the arrow-down gadget."
- 10 63 "The same will work for the opposite direction."
- 10 75 "The other possibility is called the page-scroll mode."
- 10 85 "It is selected by pressing the 's' key. Draging the"
- 10 95 "scrollbar will no longer affect the displayed part of"
- 10 105 "the page. Instead pagenumbers will appear on the scoll"
- 10 115 "body. So just select the desired page and press RETURN,"
- 10 125 "'+', ENTER etc. Pressing 's' another time will leave"
- 10 135 "this mode."
- #help 6, 13
- 10 5 "Evaluation of \special strings"
- 10 7 "______________________________"
- 10 20 "\special strings are used to implement for example graphics"
- 10 30 "in TeX or other special things. These strins must be"
- 10 40 "evaluated by the drivers for the DVI files. ShowDVI and"
- 10 50 "DVIprint use their own way of doing this: They send the"
- 10 60 "unchanged string to the program 'SpecialHost', which"
- 10 70 "does the actual evaluation and returns the result back."
- 10 80 "To do this the program 'SpecialHost' must run in the"
- 10 90 "background."
- 10 105 "Up to the time of writing 'SpecialHost' can copy IFF"
- 10 115 "images into the text and evaluate TPIC specials,"
- 10 125 "which might have been generated by EEPIC."
- #help 7, 14
- 10 5 "The (ARexx) TeX-Server"
- 10 7 "______________________"
- 10 20 "The TeX-Server can be started via the menu entry"
- 10 30 "'Shell Commands -> ARexx TeX Shell'"
- 10 40 "(You can start this server in every CLI window with"
- 10 50 "the command 'rx TeX:rexx/TeX-Server'."
- 10 60 "Now it is possible to call virtex with one function key"
- 10 70 "from ShowDVI or from your editor."
- 10 80 "But first you must configure ShowDVI und your editor."
- 10 90 "E.g. write in the 'ShowDVI.config' file:"
- 98 103 "f2 TeX:rexx/Start_TeX.sd"
- 98 113 "F2 TeX:rexx/Start_TeX.sd ?"
- 10 126 "(In the 2. case you will always asked always which format"
- 10 136 "file you want to use.) See the docs to the ARexx scripts."
- #help 8, 12
- 10 5 "Used files"
- 10 6 "__________"
- 10 20 "The following files are used by ShowDVI:"
- 10 35 "ShowDVI.config This is the configuration file that can be"
- 170 45 "saved with AMIGA-w. Some items like the"
- 170 55 "function key definitions must be changed"
- 170 65 "via editor, though."
- 10 75 "ShowDVI.fnt informs ShowDVI where to seek pk fonts."
- 10 85 "ShowDVI.help contains the help textes like the one you"
- 170 95 "are currently reading."
- 10 105 "ShowDVI.log logfile usually created by ShowDVI. Can"
- 170 115 "be omitted via comand line options."
- #help 9, 12
- 10 5 "Environment variables"
- 10 7 "_____________________"
- 10 20 "The following ENV: variables are used by ShowDVI:"
- 10 35 "SHOWDVI for setting up default comandline options"
- 10 45 "TEXCONFIG directory to use instead of 'Tex:config'."
- 10 55 "FLIBDIR list of directories for font libraries."
- 10 65 "PKDIR list of directories for pk-files."
- 10 80 "Using OS 2.0 ShowDVI additionally sets up the local"
- 10 90 "variables 'ShowDVI-file' and 'ShowDVI-dir'. They are set"
- 10 100 "to the name of the actual DVI-file and its directory."
- 10 115 "Finaly ShowDVI might set up the variable 'TEXFORMAT',"
- 10 125 "which is used by some TeX scripts."
- #help 10, 14
- 10 5 "The ARexx-Port:"
- 10 6 "_______________"
- 10 20 "The name of the port is 'showdvi'. Hence a ARexx script"
- 10 30 "may contact ShowDVI with "address 'showdvi'"."
- 10 40 "The extension for ARexx scripts that are called from"
- 10 50 "ShowDVI is '.sd'."
- 10 63 "Presently ShowDVI knows about the following ARexx comands:"
- 10 75 "first, last, prev, next, goto, tofront, toback, wbtofront,"
- 10 85 "fullpage, printpage, setdir, loadnew, loadagain, getdir,"
- 10 95 "getfile, getpage, togglelace, togglescrollbar, setcolor,"
- 10 105 "setresolution, beep, message, refresh, screen, spawn,"
- 10 115 "version, saveconfig, activate, getstring, getnumber,"
- 10 125 "getpubscreenname, okay1, okay2, menu, exit."
- 10 136 "For more information confer the documentation."
- #help 11, 9
- 10 5 "Miscellanous:"
- 10 7 "_____________"
- 10 20 "ShowDVI catches three signals:"
- 10 35 "CRTL-C immediat end of program."
- 10 45 "CTRL-E put ShowDVI screen to front."
- 10 55 "CTRL-F put ShowDVI screen to front and reload"
- 120 65 "the current DVI-File."
- 10 80 "Leaving the program with the 'Q' key will realease the"
- 10 90 "memory for this text."
- #end